Chemical Inventory
Use this page to record the chemicals stored at this site.
On the right-hand side of the page, you will find a full chemical list. This list shows every chemical regardless if it is on-site or not.
Start by clicking a chemical on the list or quickly find a chemical using search.
Once selected, the 'Chemical Name' and CAS# fills out. If this chemical is found at the building location, below the 'Chemical Name' field, check the 'On Site' box. The list will update with a check mark under the 'On Site' column for that chemical.
The NFPA Diamond: Click a color on the diamond to enter a value. The system auto-saves entries in the diamond.
Note: Click here for NFPA Diamond information.
At the bottom of the page you will find a list of other materials that could be stored at this site. These materials may not be chemicals but my affect fire fighting. Check the box to indicate that this material is housed on-site.